Benefits of Pilates

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No matter what your fitness goals, Motivation Studio can help you achieve them — through STOTT PILATES® certified instruction, friendly encouragement and a customized exercise program.

Stand Taller & Pain-Free

By neutralizing weaknesses in your spine and joints, and then strengthening them, Pilates provides greater support for your entire body — and reduces back pain and strain. In fact, many medical professionals, such as chiropractors and physical therapists, recommend Pilates workouts to patients with chronic back pain and postural problems. You’ll stand taller and more confidently without discomfort.

The Mind-Body Connection

After a few workouts at Motivation Studio, you’ll notice better concentration and ease of movement in your daily and recreational activities. Your muscles will “learn” the ideal balance of strength and position, and your mind will practice the intense focus required to assist your body in performing small, precise, powerful movements. During and after your workout, you’ll feel strong and centered — mentally and physically.

Strengthen Your Foundation

Pilates creates a strong physical foundation for all your activities. During your workouts, you will strengthen your “core”: the body’s large muscles, including those in the abdomen, spine and back, as well as the smaller muscles that support the spine and joints, promoting all-over body strength and fitness.

Improve Your Balance

Most of us have over trained our muscles by doing way too much forward bending and not nearly enough stretching and strengthening of the back. Similarly, athletes tend to overuse certain muscles while neglecting others. Pilates works on rebalancing the muscles around the joints to work effectively and reduce the chance of injury.

Increase Your Flexibility

Pilates develops long, lean, powerful muscles, lengthens the spine, and provides greater ease of movement. By strengthening through gentle, gradual increases in your body’s range of motion — in all directions, and in multiple positions — you’ll also develop noticeably greater flexibility, and recover flexibility lost naturally during the aging process.

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